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Why Blog?

I always keep notes when I am working on a project or study. I found it very useful. I write some tips on how to do something. I write some ideas. I use my notes a lot. So, I thought maybe I should share my notes with others and maybe it will be helpful to them too. Here you go. This blog is for me and everybody who might find it useful.


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Building a Flex project with Ant

Here is a quick sample on how to build a simple Flex "hello world" project with Ant. The "hello world" project contains a src folder with one Flex application file and an Ant build.xml file: ./project_home/ ./src/ app.mxml build.xml The app.mxml is the main module of the project. It simply has a label with a "Hello World!" text: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"> <mx:Label text="Hello World!"/> </mx:Application> Here is the build.xml source: <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="fx_practice7" default="all"> <!-- Init the build process --> <target name="init" unless="initialized"> <!-- Name of project and version --> <property name="FLEX_HOME" location="/Users/mykola/java/flex"/>

cucumber-jvm and Android Studio

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Using FlexUnit for Stress Testing

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