This is a short example that describes an approach on testing a Flex remote data access code with FlexUnit. The access to the remote services in Flex is provided via HTTPService, WebService or RemoteObject classes. The requests to the data services are handled asynchronously. That adds a bit more complexity to the unit testing. In this example, I will share a design idea on how to test a client side of the remote data services. This is something I came up with working on my "pet" project.
The "pet" project is a Web application that is based on a three tier architecture: an SQL database, a middleware part implemented with Java, Hibernate, and BlazeDS, and a client tier implemented with Flex. The example shown here works on a client side and tests access to the server-side part of the application. The tests covered in this example are designed to test a user login operation.
The login operation is defined on the server-side class called UserService.
public class UserService {
* User login operation.
* @param username
* the user name.
* @param password
* the password.
* @return a User object or null if username is not found or password is not
* valid.
public User login(String username, String password) {
User user = null;
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
List users = session.createQuery(
"from User user where user.username = ?")
.setString(0, username).list();
if (users.size() == 1) {
user = (User) users.get(0);
if (user != null && user.isPasswordValid(password)) {
// trying to fetch the lazy loaded items
for (Project p : user.getProjects()) {
// return user
} else {
// return null
user = null;
return user;
The UserService service is configured as a BlazeDS destination in remoting-confix.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<service id="remoting-service"
<adapter-definition id="java-object"
<channel ref="my-amf"/>
<destination id="user">
The FlexUnit test code shown below is invoking the UserService login method through a RemoteObject class and validates the response. We will review just a couple of test cases: a positive one, i.e. a valid user ID/password combination and a negative, that tests a login operation with an invalid password. The database is initialized with a test user account before the test run. Here is the code:
package org.blazedspractice.model
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flexunit.framework.TestCase;
import flexunit.framework.TestSuite;
import mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject;
public class UserTest extends TestCase {
private static const LOGIN_NAME:String = "user1";
private static const LOGIN_PSW:String = "password";
private static const INVALID_LOGIN_PSW:String = "invalid_password";
private var user:User;
private var fault:Boolean = Boolean(false);
private var resultCheckTimer:Timer;
// The timer and result check timeouts
private static const TIMEOUT_MS:int = 3000;
private static const RESULT_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS:int = 3500;
* The test case constructor.
* @param The name of the test method to be called in the test run.
public function UserTest(methodName:String) {
super( methodName );
* Builds a test suite.
public static function suite():TestSuite {
var ts:TestSuite = new TestSuite();
ts.addTest( new UserTest( "testLogin" ) );
ts.addTest( new UserTest( "testLoginNegative" ) );
return ts;
* Setup the test. This method is executed before every testXXX() by the framework.
override public function setUp() : void {
user = null;
fault = Boolean(false);
* This test case validates login operation. The login name and password are valid.
public function testLogin():void {
// Create a remote object
var userService:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
// This is a name of the destination configured in BlazeDS settings
userService.destination = "user";
// Add result and fault event listeners as asynchronous checkpoints
userService.login.addEventListener("result", handleLoginResponse);
userService.addEventListener("fault", faultHandler);
// Create a timer that will validate a result of the login operation.
resultCheckTimer = new Timer(1);
resultCheckTimer.delay = TIMEOUT_MS;
resultCheckTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, addAsync(loginCheck, RESULT_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS));
// Call the login method.
userService.login(LOGIN_NAME, LOGIN_PSW);
* This method handles login response event. It is invoked by the
* Flex framework once the server side data service returns a response to
* the login request.
private function handleLoginResponse(event:ResultEvent):void {
user = event.result as User;
trace("user: " + user);
private function faultHandler (event:FaultEvent):void {
fault = Boolean(true);
* Validate a positive test case.
private function loginCheck(event:Event):void {
trace("loginCheck: " + user);
if (fault == Boolean(true)) {
fail("login failed");
* The negative test case. The login password is invalid.
public function testLoginNegative():void {
var userService:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
userService.destination = "user";
userService.login.addEventListener("result", handleLoginResponse);
userService.addEventListener("fault", faultHandler);
resultCheckTimer = new Timer(1);
resultCheckTimer.delay = TIMEOUT_MS;
resultCheckTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, addAsync(loginFailureCheck, RESULT_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS));
* Validate a negative test case.
private function loginFailureCheck(event:Event):void {
trace("loginCheck: " + user);
if (fault == Boolean(true)) {
fail("login failed");
The comments in the code explain the low level details of the test. The FlexUnit and Flex SDK API documentation will cover the rest. I will explain why do we need a timer here and what is addAsync for. :) That is the key to the solution.
The call to userService.login(LOGIN_NAME, LOGIN_PSW); will submit a request to the remote data service and return immediately, since it is an asynchronous call. The response from the userService.login() call will be handled as an event. The call to the service could be successful or could fail due to a system error, for example the network connection is not available or a service is not configured properly, etc. These cases are handled as "result" and "fault:" event types:
userService.login.addEventListener("result", handleLoginResponse);
userService.addEventListener("fault", faultHandler);
The faultHandler() method will be invoked by the Flex SDK framework in case of a system error while calling the data service. The handleLoginResponse() method will be invoked when the response is received successfully.
The test should validate the response and assert expected values based on the test scenario. It should also fail in case of a system error.
The FlexUnit invokes just the methods starting with "test" prefix. Usually a test will be considered to be complete as soon as the testXXX() method is complete. However, we need to validate the results of the login operation that could be available in a few milliseconds after the testXXX() is done. To handle that case, FlexUnit provids a method that is called addAsync. The addAsync is defined in class of the FlexUnit framework:
* Add an asynchronous check point to the test.
* This method will return an event handler function.
* @param func the Function to execute when things have been handled
* @param timeout if the function isn't called within this time the test is considered a failure
* @param passThroughData data that will be passed to your function (only if non-null) as the 2nd argument
@param failFunc a Function that will be called if the asynchronous
function fails to execute, useful if perhaps the failure to
* execute was intentional or if you want a specific failure message
* @return the Function that can be used as an event listener
public function addAsync(func : Function, timeout : int,
passThroughData : Object = null, failFunc : Function = null) : Function
if (asyncTestHelper == null)
asyncTestHelper = new AsyncTestHelper(this, testResult);
asyncMethods.push({func: func, timeout: timeout, extraData: passThroughData, failFunc: failFunc});
return asyncTestHelper.handleEvent;
Basically addAsync adds a delayed check point to the test validation. Internally, the AsyncTestHelper class schedules a timer to do that.
Why does our test need a timer too? I guess, we could simply wrap our event handlers with the addAsync() like this:
userService.login.addEventListener("result", addAsync(handleLoginResponse, RESULT_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS));
userService.addEventListener("fault", addAsync(faultHandler, RESULT_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS));
Well, that will work for the handleLoginResponse case, but will create a problem for faultHandler. In case of a successful response from the service, the timer scheduled internally by addAsync will time out, and the test will fail with an exception saying that method faultHandler() was never called. I suppose, I coudl cancel one of the timers if I get either one of the async points. However, I don't have an access to those timers and I don't want to make the tests to be too dependent on the internal implementation of the FlexUnit. Therefore, I introduced a local timer that invokes a method in a RESULT_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS time and validates results set by data service result handlers. For example, testLogin() method schedules a call to loginCheck() method. The loginCheck() validates class variables called fault and user that are initialized in the data service result handlers handleLoginResponse() and faultHandler(). This is the basic idea.
The test runner is based on one I described in the earlier post. Here is its source code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" xmlns="*"
import flexunit.framework.TestSuite;
import flexunit.flexui.TestRunnerBase;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import org.blazedspractice.model.UserTest;
public var testClients:ArrayCollection;
public var NUMBER_OF_TESTS:int = 1;
private function onCreationComplete():void
var clients:Array = new Array();
var i:int;
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TESTS; i++) {
testClients = new ArrayCollection(clients);
// Creates the test suite to run
private function createSuite():TestSuite {
var ts:TestSuite = new TestSuite();
ts.addTest( UserTest.suite() );
return ts;
private function startTests():void {
trace(" elements: " + testRepeater.numChildren);
var tests:Array = this.test as Array;
for each (var testRunner:TestRunnerBase in tests) {
testRunner.test = createSuite();
<mx:Button name="Run" label="Start Tests" click="startTests()" />
<mx:Panel layout="vertical" width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:Repeater id="testRepeater" dataProvider="{testClients}">
<flexunit:TestRunnerBase id="test" width="100%" height="100%" />
Since the test runner is a Flex application, the build and deployment is the same as for the main application. I actually deply it together with the main application. Here is my ant target that creates html wrappers for the application itself and the test runner:
<target name="compile.flex" depends="init, compile.flex.components, compile.flex.mxml, compile.flex.tests">
<html-wrapper title="${APP_TITLE}" file="index.html" application="app"
swf="${module}" version-major="9" version-minor="0" version-revision="0"
width="90%" height="100%" history="true" template="express-installation"
output="${build.dir}/${}/" />
<html-wrapper title="${APP_TITLE}" file="test.html" application="testapp"
swf="TestRunner" version-major="9" version-minor="0" version-revision="0"
width="90%" height="100%" history="true" template="express-installation"
output="${build.dir}/${}/" />
To run the tests, I simply navigate to the URL with the test.html, in my case it is
http://localhost:8400/blazeds_practice2/test.html. The tests are run automatically on the page creationComple event. The "Start Tests" button can be used to run them again. Here are the run results:
I hope this article will be helpful. I am sure this approach can be improved. The code I posted here does not cover all the conditions and most probably contains a few errors. I do not recommend using it as is in production. The intent was to share an idea and get some feedback. I am sure the approach described here is just one of the possible ways. I would be interested to learn more about testing asynchronous code and open to your comments and suggestions.
Could you show me the User Class detail;I got some flexUnit error about invoke RemoteObject's operation here but right in 'Normal'App.
p.s. sorry for my poorEnglish.I think you got my idea.